Skylarks W.B. 19.10.20
Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 8:00am
Hi everyone 😊
Welcome back to our weekly blog!
Can you believe we are looking ahead to the final week of this half term? I certainly can’t! The children have made a super start in Year 5 and have made me very proud with how they have adjusted to our new routines and the work that they have produced.
Next week
Next week, we will be putting the finishing touches on our magazine articles. The children have worked extremely hard on these over the past couple of weeks and should be very proud of their work.
In maths we are coming to the end of our place value lessons, however this will of course run throughout our other maths topics this year. We will be looking specifically at patterns and sequences next week.
In our topic lessons we will be revising our Year 4 topic ‘Ancient Rome’. The children will be sharing and recording what knowledge they can remember by writing an acrostic poem.
In RE we will continue to look at various verses from ‘The Sermon on the Mount’. We will be thinking about the relevance of these teachings for Christians today.
On Friday we will have an art day where we will put our knowledge of tint, tone and shade into practice. We will be sketching and painting our own flowers inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe.
Home Reading and Times Tables
Please continue to read with your child at home, this can be a mixture of them reading aloud to you and them reading independently. Please remind your child to write in their diary and have it signed by an adult in order to earn a reading raffle ticket in school. A huge well done to the children who are earning raffle tickets on a weekly basis! 😊
Just a little reminder that PE is currently on a Monday so please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day. As the weather is getting colder, please ensure that your child will be warm enough throughout the school day. Black or navy tracksuit bottoms and leggings are allowed.
Thank you so much for your continued support. If you need anything at all please do not hesitate to get in contact via the office, either by phone or email.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Beattie