Skylarks W.B. 28.09.20
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 8:14am
Hello everyone,
It was so lovely to speak to so many parents this week during our phone calls. I'm sorry if I missed you! If you do wish to discuss anything, please do not hesitate to email or phone the school office to arrange this.
We have had another fantastic week in Skylarks Class 😊
The children have been working extremely hard and I am very proud of their positive attitudes and work ethic.
We have another busy week ahead of us…
In our Writing lessons next week, we will be focusing on editing and improving our writing. We will be using a letter that we wrote a couple of weeks ago and up-levelling it using the grammar and punctuation that we have been working hard on.
In maths we will continue our work on place value, and will look specifically at Roman Numerals.
Our Reading lessons next week will begin to focus on drawing inferences. We will be practicing ‘thinking out loud’ and ‘visualising’ to help us answer questions based on information stated and implied.
In our topic lesson, we will be looking back at our learning from previous year groups. The children will use their knowledge of chronology to place events and time periods into a timeline. In science, we will be investigating the properties of different materials. We will plan our own investigations to put these properties to the test.
Home Reading
I have been so pleasantly surprised to see just how many children in Skylarks Class LOVE to read! It has been fantastic to see that lots of children have been doing extra reading at home. Please encourage your child to read for 10 minutes each day and write in their reading diaries. In year 5, we encourage the children to write in their own diaries and simply have it signed by an adult at home!
As always, if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me. I am only a phone call or email away!
Miss Beattie