Skylarks WB 10.01.22
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 10:02am
Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. It has been so lovely to welcome the children back into school this week.
This week we have started our new book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd-Stanton in our English lessons. We started by asking questions about the book and building new vocabulary about the ancient Norse world and the Gods.
In maths we have been learning about square and cube numbers, as well as revisiting the four operations.
During our topic day, we consolidated our understanding of our local area before comparing and contrasting Northwich with Llandudno. We looked at the human and physical features of each town before making comparisons between the two using a Venn Diagram.
In Science, we finished our Materials topic with a study into the Scientist ‘Spencer Silver’. Ask your Skylark what he discovered and why he is important!
In RE, we began to think about our new theme ‘Humanism’. We started our topic by asking our own questions about Humanism which we aim to answer through our learning this half term.
The children also enjoyed completing their computing projects about how computers impact our lives. We added to our Key Note presentations after finding out more about the advancements of robots around the world and how social media is developing.
Important Reminders:
Parents Evening Phone Calls:
Parents evening phone calls for Skylarks Class will take place next week on Tuesday 11th January 2022. You will recieve more information soon about how to book your time slot through School Spider.
Next Thursday (13th January) will be the final swimming session for Skylarks Class. Some children may continue to attend alongside Year 4, however you will be contacted separately if this includes your child.
Next Week (W.B. 10.01.22)
In English, we will further explore our new book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We will start the week by exploring the family tree of the Norse Gods before writing character profiles using relative clauses. We will also focus on developing our vocabulary next week, creating a glossary of new words and definitions.
In Shared Reading, we will start our new book ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’. Like our writing book, this story also focuses on the ancient Norse world ‘Asgard’. Our focus will be on drawing inferences, such as characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives. We will use our ‘visualising’ and ‘thinking out loud’ techniques to help us infer information stated and implied, justifying our answers with evidence from the text.
In Maths we will be revising inverse operations and how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.
In RE we will continue to explore our topic on ‘Humanism’. We will read the book ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers to help us understand what Humanism is and the 5 main themes/beliefs.
Our PE day for the Spring Term will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.
We will also be having our final swimming session next week (Thursday 13th January 2022) so the children should come to school in their PE kit on this day as well.
In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.
If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.
The children should complete pages 16 and 17 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 14th January. This homework is looking at square and cube numbers.
Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:
Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 14th January will focus on words containing the -ably suffix:
Understandably, suitably, miserably, comfortably, adorably, reasonably, considerably, predictably
Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?
Miss Beattie x