Skylarks WB 31.10.22
Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 8:30am
Hello everyone and welcome to Skylarks weekly blog! ?
What a fantastic half term it has been. The children have worked exceptionally hard and have made a fantastic start to Year 5. It has been lovely to chat to you all at Parents’ Evening this week – I’m sure you are proud of their achievements like I am!
First Week Back (W.B. 31.10.22)
- School will reopen on Monday 31st October 2022.
After half term we will be starting our new English text ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy. We will be using clues from the book to make predictions, before delving deeper into the setting and characters.
In our shared reading lessons, we will be reading our new text ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman. We will be focussing on language and will evaluate the author’s choice of language, including the use of figurative language.
In maths we will be looking at strategies we can use to check our answers to written calculations, including rounding, estimating and using the inverse. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.
In our topic lessons, we will be learning more about our local area, including the salt industry and how it put Northwich on the map. We will learn about the history of the Lion Salt Works ahead of our visit on 22nd November.
Our PE days for Autumn Term 2 will continue to be a Thursday (Cricket) and Friday with Mr Ault so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.
Homework and Spellings
There will be no formal homework (CGP maths or spellings) set over the half term break. Please encourage your child to do some reading and times table practice when possible.
Here are some website to make times table learning fun:
Book Trade – Message from our new School Councillors
We will be holding a book trade on the first Friday back after half-term (Friday 5th November) straight after school. In the half-term holiday, we suggest you sort through your books to find any you don’t want anymore. Please bring them in on book trade day to swap your unwanted books for new ones to enjoy. Recommended for adults too. Thank you from, school council.
Have a wonderful and safe half term everyone!
Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?
Miss Beattie x