Starlings Home Learning 22nd January
Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 9:43pm
Friday 22nd January
Happy Friday Starlings, wow, you have made it to the end of another week! We are now half way through our half-term, we are missing having our lovely class altogether but we are so happy that you are all safe and it is such a treat that we get to be together on our daily zoom calls now! Thank you for logging in for them each morning and making us smile so much!
Please follow the links and PowerPoints for today’s Maths, English and Spelling tasks. Your Read Write Inc videos are as normal using the same link.
I will be online on the class discussion page today so please share your learning with me. Any problems please let me know on the discussion page or email and we will do our very best to resolve these straight away.
Read, Write, Inc Phonics
Please follow the links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as yesterday but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is usually after 9:30am)
Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below:
Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:
Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.
It is your final lesson about time today. Mrs. Judge is going to teach you all about solving word problems about time.
The link to the youtube version of the video is:
Alternatively you can find the PowerPoint version when you scroll down the page if you would prefer to download it.
Today you will be re-reading the longer version of ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ story and answering some questions. You can download the story using the links below or listen to Mrs. Judge reading the story again on the lesson PowerPoint.
A downloadable copy of the lesson PowerPoint can be found below, and the youtube link to today's video is:
Today’s spellings are walk, walking, walked. Please see the final slide of the English lesson PowerPoint below to look for how we would like you to practise these words today.
Just like Charlie Cook in today's story, why not choose a favourite book to curl up with and read over the weekend, let me know on the discussion which book you are going to choose. Mine is 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy.
If you would like to read an e-book, follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s e-libraries.
Username: starlings1
Password: Home
Today I have read ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ for you. The link is:
(Sorry that my camera skills are no good so you may have to have your screen on rotate)
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."  
(Genesis 2:15) 
Our new Christian Value is RESPECT. Look again at the 17 Global Goals below and think about how we can respect our own homes, gardens, parks and local area.
Please click on the link to watch Mrs. Powell’s worship video:
Talk to your family about the Global Goals and think about what small actions you could take at home. There is a blank puzzle piece document attached below for you to have a go at making your own.
For example: Mrs Evans’ family are no longer using plastic food bags and cling film. They are on a mission to make sure they turn off the lights in the rooms they are not using and they go for walks and runs locally so they don’t use the car.
Fitness Challenge
Why not try a Joe Wicks workout today, see if you can beat a brother or sister, or even one of your grown ups!
Good luck, enjoy your day, and have a very happy and safe weekend!
Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern.