Starlings Home Learning 4th February
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 8:40pm
Thursday 4th February
Hello lovely Starlings, and welcome to your Thursday home learning blog. Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern have been keeping me up to date with how hard you are all working this week and we are so very proud of you all, and your grown ups!
I am looking forward to our Zoom call this morning. We’ll be doing a little more dough disco so please have your playdoh ready if you have some, but remember it’s okay if you don’t have any.
Today’s tasks are Phonics Maths, English and Spelling tasks. Please see the links to the day’s lesson videos and find the attached PowerPoint versions also. Your Read Write Inc videos are as normal using the same link.
Mrs. Esling will be online on the class discussion homework page today so please share your learning with her as you have been doing all week. I will be in school all day today. Any problems please let one of us know or email and we will do our very best to resolve these straight away.
Read, Write, Inc Phonics
Please follow the links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as yesterday but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is usually after 9:30am)
Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below:
Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:
Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.
Today you will be learning how to measure in centimetres (cm) using a ruler. If you have a ruler at home, please get this ready for today’s lesson. If you don’t have a ruler, please download the paper ruler I have attached below.
The link to the youtube version of the video is:
Alternatively you can find the PowerPoint version when you scroll down the page if you would prefer to download it.
Today you will be writing the middle part of your story so please have your plan ready.
A downloadable copy of the lesson PowerPoint can be found below, and the youtube link to today's video is:
Today’s spellings are two, three and four. Please see the final slide of the English lesson PowerPoint below to look for how we would like you to practise these words today.
Follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s e-libraries.
Username: starlings1
Password: Home
Today’s story is ‘Eat your Peas’ so please enjoy: Eat your peas
Worship- Sing and Sign
Because it’s well-being week and we want you to celebrate and be proud of how wonderful you are, we would like you to learn the hymn ‘Give thanks with a grateful heart’ today. The link to the video is:
Fitness Challenge
Have a go at this ‘Healthy Hearts’ activity
Finally, your Thursday activity for well-being week is:
Good luck and enjoy your day!
Mrs. O'Marah