Starlings WB 14.02.22
Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 9:09pm
Can you believe we are at the end of another half term? Starlings class have been working so hard and they are definitely ready for a well-earned break. We hope you all enjoy a restful break with your little Starling next week. Thank you so much for taking the time to enjoy sharing stories with your Starling at home.
The children will continue to bring home a Read Write Inc book, a book bag book and a bedtime story each week. This provides them with a variety of familiar, new and challenging texts to read. Bedtime story books are to be enjoyed with an adult. Reading TO the children ensures that they experience the magic of a story coming to life and have a purpose and love of reading.
This week in English we have been writing about how Mouse would feel when he came nose to nose with lion. We have been writing exclamative sentences to add drama to our writing
Starlings class are looking at numbers up to 20. This week we have learned how to use our number bonds to help with the subtraction of 1-digit numbers. We have developed our skills by applying our new knowledge to help us work out challenging word problems.
In Religion, we are looking at the wonder of God’s creation. We have already been out for a walk in the school grounds and explored the beauty of our outdoor world using our senses. In history, we are looking at some of the inventions in transport and looking at how vehicles have changed over the years and why. This past week we looked at ‘The Flying Scotsman’ and how its improved people’s lives
In Science, we continue to explore the topic of animals and humans. This week we have used our senses to spot signs of winter. We also discussed the appropriate clothing we should wear in winter.
Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too.
Please refer to your child’s diary for information regarding the sounds that your child has been taught and also the titles of the books they will have at home.
During the Spring term, our spellings will be focused on the Year One Common Exception words. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks.
This week’s quiz will be the 17th February.
discover rock sand paw mane
Our PE days will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue. Can we also ask that your child has a drink bottle that is clearly named and contains only water. We also request that if your child wears trainers with laces they are able to independently retie them if they become undone otherwise can they please wear trainers with a Velcro fastening.