Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows 25.6.21

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 4:50pm

Swallows Weekly Blog – 24.6.21


Hello Swallows and welcome back to our class blog.


We have had another fantastic week of learning in Swallows class this week. We enjoyed our first trip of the year to Delamere forest. We played games, built dens, sat in hammocks, splashed through streams and even did a little bit of yoga in the forest. Swallows represented our school brilliantly and made many magical memories together.  I wonder if your Swallow could teach you how to play the river bank game, show you how to spot woodland habitats or take you on a journey to the most beautiful stream.

Swallows enjoyed showing what they know in our Summer term quizzes this week. We are looking forward to our class sports day tomorrow. Please remember to come to school wearing your PE uniform and trainers.


Please see your diary for this week’s spellings. Our next quiz will be on Friday 2nd July 2021.

  • Clothes
  • Only
  • Who
  • Any
  • Water
  • Again
  • Both


Read Write Inc

Revisit Set 3


ear - Hear with your ear

are – Care and share





The ice and snow book

Fun at the fair

Jim’s house in 1874

Save the Whale


Please look out for a sticker informing you of your new Read Write Inc group in your diary next week.


Thank you for another amazing week in Swallows class, I am so proud of you all. Wishing you all a lovely, happy and safe weekend. I am SO excited for sports day tomorrow!

With lots of love from

Miss Gillam




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