Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows Blog - Thursday 11th March 2021

Date: 11th Mar 2021 @ 10:04pm

Hello everyone!


Welcome back to our weekly blog. You will find our homework tasks, class announcements and learning overview here each week.


Swallows have had a wonderful first week back in school. Mrs Elson and I have loved having a classroom full of smiles and giggles again. We could not be prouder of the enthusiastic, SUPER learners that you all are.



We have been celebrating National Science Week this week with a focus on ‘innovation’. We learnt about how crayons are made and all about the Crayola inventors Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith. We learnt about the Mars ‘Perseverance’ Rover mission and designed our own Mars Rover. We investigated the best material to make a parachute for a teddy and designed our very own machines from recycled materials.

In worship, we have been celebrating being back together and learnt all about the 17 ‘Global Goals’. We also enjoyed listening to a lovely ‘Open the Book’ story called ‘Bread meat and stinky feet’. 


We completed our Read, Write, Inc assessments this week so a sticker will be put into diaries with information about our new groups and learning focus.

Our writing work has focused on punctuation this week. We have been writing sentences using capital letters, full stops, commas and question marks. We are looking forward to starting a new unit of work focusing on the beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ next week.

Our Maths lessons have focused on addition and subtraction this week. We also had lots of fun completing our 4-a-day challenge each day. Next week, we will focus our Maths learning on exchanging and adding three one digit numbers.



  • Please ensure that your book bag is in school every day.
  • We now have PE on Thursday and Friday.
  • Until the Easter break, you can choose whether your child wears either their school uniform or their PE uniform (school t-shirt, school jumper/school hoody, plain black or navy joggers/leggings, trainers) as long as it follows our school uniform policy. Children may wear trainers every day during this time as long as they are able to independently tie their laces or wear Velcro trainers. 


Please encourage your child to read and practice their spellings/times tables for 5-10 minutes each day. We have put your Times Tables Rock Stars login details in your diary this week.


talk   walk   small   fall

Our quiz will be on Friday 25th March 2021.

Thank you all for your continued support and as always, if there is anything you would like to discuss with me, please don’t hesitate to phone or email via our admin team.

Miss Gillam

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