Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows Blog 08.11.2021

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 9:25pm

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to Swallows class blog.


Praise Book:  Jayden B         Top Table: Ella

What an amazing start to this half term we have had! Mrs Elson and I have been so impressed with the children's fantastic attitudes towards their learning. We have enjoyed our first Cricket PE lesson with Andy, learnt the first song from our Christmas production, had a fantastic History focus day and enjoyed a whole day of active Maths.

We are looking forward to another week of being busy little bee’s next week. Please take a look at what we will be learning below.


Our English work will continue to focus on the beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ this week. Swallows will create and perform their own firework poems, sort information into subheading and write complex sentences using a range of conjunctions.



Our Maths work will focus on adding and subtracting two 2 digit numbers this week. We will continue to focus on our times tables during our arithmetic lesson’s.


Read Write Inc

Please check your child's diary to see which group they are currently working in. Please remember that the children sometimes need to repeat sounds/books in order to develop fluency and understanding. If you child has remained on the same colour reading book, this is not a problem. It just means that they need to really focus on using speedy Fred in their head to read at a faster pace. 


Orange Group- Miss Gillam 5.11.2021


We can play!

Jam tarts


New sounds:

  • ea – cup of tea
  • oi – spoil the boy
  • a_e – make a cake
  • i_e – nice smile


Reading focus: We have been focusing on using Fred in our head to help us to become speedier readers this week. Remember to spot special friends, Fred talk and then read the word.  


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.


Yellow Group – Miss Gillam 5.11.2021

Grow your own radishes

The radish contest



New sounds:

  • ea – cup of tea
  • oi – spoil the boy
  • a_e – make a cake
  • i_e – nice smile


Reading focus: We have been focusing on using Fred in our head to help us to become speedier readers this week. Remember to spot special friends, Fred talk and then read the word. 


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.


Blue Group– Mrs Elson 5.11.21

Jelly Bean

Small but deadly

Beastly Pet

New sounds:

  • ea- cup of tea
  • oi – spoil the boy
  • a-e – make a cake
  • I-e – nice smile


Please use your new sounds book to read new words containing each sound on the back of the speed sound card.

Reading focus:  We are continuing to revisit our sounds and we have been looking at different ways of spelling the same in differently.



Pink Group – Mrs Esling 5.11.21

Scruffy Ted

Scruffy Ted gets lost

new sounds

  • ea – cup of tea
  • oi – spoil the boy
  • a_e – make a cake
  • i_e – nice smile


Reading focus: We have been focusing on using Fred in our head to help us to become speedier readers this week. Remember to spot special friends, Fred talk and then read the word. 


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.


Grey Group – Mrs Judge / Mrs Hoskins 5.11.21


Wailing Winny’s Car Boot Sale

Dad Makes a Mistake

Amazing Caves


This week, we have started our new RWI spelling scheme and have focussed on spelling the or sound spelt a before 1 and ll


Practise reading and writing these words: tall, small, also, always, altogether, already


Reading focus: We have been focussing on reading with expression and using the punctuation marks to convey how the characters are feeling.








 Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. Please remember to record any reading in your blue reading diary.



 Throughout the Autumn term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page from the previous week's page. 

great  hour  half    hold   improve

Our next spelling quiz will be on Friday 12th November.  

Maths Homework

Please have a go at learning your 10 x table this week. We have each child our Bronze times table challenge for this week. This involves learning the 10 x table in order. In addition to completing your written times table challenge, please log in to Times Tables Rock Stars. When you click into the TT Rock Stars home page, you need to select 'Garage' which is a single player game. This is where I can select specific tables for you to learn.  I have set you a little 10 times table challenge for this week. Remember, when you see the division sign, it is asking you how many tens are in that number. Use your counting in 10s to help you J. Have fun choosing your rock star names and completing our special challenge

Our first times table quiz will be on Friday 12th November.  



Nativity – Christmas with the Aliens

We look forward to sending our play scripts home with your child early next week. We are currently introducing parts in school this week before sending the scripts home for learning. Please use the script to learn any highlighted words that your child will need to learn by heart ready for our performances. Every child who wanted a speaking role has one.

Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ? Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Gillam



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