Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows Blog WB: 11.10.2021

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 10:09pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Swallows weekly blog!

Another busy week of super learning for our very lovely Swallows Class. I am so proud of the hard-working and enthusiastic attitudes shown in our classroom every single day. Keep it up Swallows!

We are looking forward to another week of being busy little bee’s next week. Please take a look at what we will be learning below.



Our English work will focus on a brand new text this week. We will ask questions about animals, research facts and read other stories linking to the text. We will explore character and write a description of a very special journey. I wonder what our new text will be?



Our Maths learning will continue to focus on addition and subjection next week. We will be adding and subtracting 10s and 1s. To support your Swallow with this at home, it would be helpful to play games involving finding 10 more, 10 less, 1 more and 1 less than any given number to 100.

Read Write Inc

Blue Group - Miss Gillam 8.10.2021 

Our House 


Cool Houses 

New sounds: 

  • Ire – fire fire
  • Ew– chew the stew  
  • Oa – Goat in a boat
  • Ai – snail in the rain

Reading focus: We have been focusing on reading for meaning this week, taking time to discuss the key events in the text. When becoming a speedy reader, it is important that we understand what we are reading. Please use the comprehension questions at the back of the RWI text to test your child’s understanding of what they have read. Perhaps you could record your answers and show me next week?   

Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of the speed sound card. 


Grey Group – Miss Gillam 8.10.2021 

How silly! 

Silly games 

April Fool!  


New sounds: 

  • Ire – fire fire
  • Ew– chew the stew  
  • Oa – Goat in a boat
  • Ai – snail in the rain


Reading focus: We have been focusing on reading for meaning this week, taking time to discuss the key events in the text. When becoming a speedy reader, it is important that we understand what we are reading. Please use the comprehension questions at the back of the RWI text to test your child’s understanding of what they have read. Perhaps you could record your answers and show me next week?  

Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of the speed sound card. 


Yellow Group – Mrs Elson 8.10.21 


Which way is it ? 

No way 

New sounds: 

  • ew– chew the stew 
  • ear– hear with your ear 
  • ure- sure it'spure 
  • tion– it’s a celebration 


Please use your new sounds book to read new words containing each sound on the back of the speed sound card. 

Reading focus: We have been looking at speedy reading and we have been practicing reading our red words. You can’t Fred a red! These focus red words are found at the beginning of the book.  

We have also been practising our speedy green words by saying; Special friends, Fred talk read the word.  


Orange Group – Mrs Southern 08.10.21 

Come on Margo 

Dads and karts 

New sounds: 

  • oa– goat in a boat 
  • ew– chew the stew 
  • ire – fire fire!
  • ear – hear with your ear

Please use your new sounds book to read new words containing each sound on the back of the speed sound card. 

Reading focus: Trying to read using ‘Fred in our head’ instead of fed talking out loud. 


Pink Group – Mrs Esling 08.10.21 

Tab’s Kitten 

Yap Yap 

  • new sounds
  • ai- snail in the rain 
  • oa –goat in a boat
  • ew – chew the stew


Reading focus: keep practicing the red words to become a speedier reader. Remember, you can’t Fred a red!  


Please continue to use your new sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. You will find the words on the back of the speed sound card. 


Green Group – Mrs Judge / Mrs Hoskins 08.10.21 


Beth’s Chip Shop 


Practise our sounds of the week: 

  • ee– what can you see? 
  • igh– fly high 
  • ow – blow the snow
  • oo–look at a book 


Please use your new sounds book to read new words containing each sound on the back of the speed sound card.  


Reading focus: keep practicing the red words to become a speedier reader. Remember, you can’t Fred a red! 



Reading – Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. Please remember to record any reading in your blue reading diary.


Spellings – During the Autumn term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary next each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page from the previous week's page. 

To make learning our spellings more fun, we created a special roll and spell game in school this week. Please use this game to learn your spellings at home this week. If you haven’t got a dice, please write the numbers 1-6 on pieces of paper and select a number as a lucky dip. You can then still enjoy the game. ?

Roll and Spell


Write the word with your other hand


Write the word as fast as you can


Write the word with your eyes closed


Write the word in a fancy way


Write the word in capital letters and stick your tongue out


Write the word using tiny letters


even  every   everybody  eye  fast 

Maths - In preparation for learning our times tables, please continue to learn how to count in sequences of 2, 5, 10 and 3. Why not try making your own active counting game this week? Can you count in 5s while doing star jumps? Can you count in 10s while bouncing a ball?


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ? Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Gillam


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