Toucans 1.5.20
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:59am
Happy May Day! Thank you for all the effort that you have been putting into your home learning. Remember to make sure your home learning fits in with your family life. I hope you are all listening to your parents and showing our Christian values at home.
“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Roald Dahl
You are amazing and you are doing something very special; by not leaving the house you are keeping safe. We have talked about making one small change that can change the world and actually that is what you are doing right now. I’ve said this a lot but future children will be reading how you made the world a safer place by staying inside. Mrs Powell
For English today, I would like you to continue to spend some time working on your spellings. How did you get on yesterday spelling the words from the Year 5/6 list?
Do some spelling work from your CGP book or the ReadWriteInc spelling book or the spelling at home booklet that you have (I’ll also attach this today). Make it fun! Remember the activities that we did in class; draw around the word, colour it, draw an image, trace the word, look for smaller words within the word etc.
I’d like you to Log onto this website click onto Year 6 and have a go at the Weekly Maths Challenges. Remember if you click on this lesson again on Monday, the answers will be revealed.
Also have a go at this Maths activity.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable and resources for today’s Geography – South America – Physical Features
Have a great weekend, relax, enjoy the outdoors (no matter what the weather is) best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick. Remember if you have anything for our ‘Sharing Window’ in school please drop it off at school. Also keep an eye out for the postman…