Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans 13.5.20

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:43am

Toucans Blog Wednesday 13th May 2020

Please click here for a message from Mrs Downing.











I’d like you to do something a bit different for English today. We will be using some resources provided by Chance to Shine, who usually deliver our cricket sessions in school. Focus will be on poetry – poems about cricket. See the attached work for more detail and the poems that we will read today.










I’d like you to read and reflect on the poems attached. Think about which one is your favourite and why? Think about the structure and style of each poem. Practise reading one or two of them aloud using expression. Then finally try composing your own cricket poem. It would be fantastic if you could share your poem with me by emailing it to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk so I could use some in next week’s newsletter.


This week we will continue with the lessons from  www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons

  click on Year 6 and then see below.










Also have a go at this Maths activity.all you need is a pack of cards











Try this Geography lesson today from the BBC Bitesize website -   Geography – The World

Can you name and locate the seven continents and five oceans?

What are your mapping skills like? Can you use maps, atlases and globes to locate places?



Message from Mrs Powell

In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together.  The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.

This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less background noise, too, so the air is still and sound carries for a greater distance. There is a sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in.  Have you noticed the birds singing?  I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.

Watch Mrs Powell’s Worship on-line by following this link.

Wednesday 13th Worship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfvYnMRuDI







All the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and keep smiling!

PS We wish 2 of our lovely Toucans a very happy birthday. We hope you have a fantastic day with lots of great memories created. 

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