Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans 21.5.20

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 8:37am

Toucans Blog Thursday 21st May 2020


Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham














Today I would like you to do this SPAG lesson on Semi-Colons from BBC Bitesize. Will be great to then use a semi-colon more regularly in your own writing to up level it.












No Outsiders

I’d also like you to complete a No Outsiders lesson. Today’s story is about finding out who you really are and accepting that, being comfortable ‘in your own skin’.

Please watch this video clip first as the author Katie Brosnan reads her story ‘Keith among the pigeons’.


Then have a go at one or more of the attached activities. They are for both KS1 and 2 so just choose one or more that you feel happy to do.



Today we will continue with some work on coordinates and shapes. We will continue to follow the sequence of lessons from the Oak Academy. https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-6/maths#subjects

 Click on the link and scroll down until you see lesson 4Find unknown angles in triangles










See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson and resources Science – Everything Changes – How does the environment affect plants?














Message from Mrs Powell

The definition of wise in the Oxford English Dictionary is ‘Having or showing experience, knowledge and good judgement’.  When have you been wise, maybe you have been lost in a shop. This experience should have taught you always to stay near to the grown-up you are with, or should have led to you to learning exactly what to do if you got lost again.   Being wise means learning from past experiences and carefully thinking about decisions that we make and things that we do now.  What mistakes have you learnt from?  I think we learn far more from the mistakes we make rather than the things that we get right!

Dear God
Please help us to be wise.
Help us to realize that there are consequences to everything that we do.
Please help us to make good decisions that will work out best for ourselves and for other people.


Wishing you all the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

















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