Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans 24.3.20

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 8:34am

Toucans Blog Tuesday 24th March 2020

Good morning Toucans! I hope you all had a good day yesterday and enjoyed your home learning. Please remember just to do as much as you can, be as creative as you want and look after everyone at home.

I’ve taken up running again as I have not been able to get to the gym. I ran 5km at the weekend and have just done 6km this morning! What could your new personal challenge be over the next few weeks?

“When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.”
Winnie the Pooh

Dear children,

We have all started on a strange adventure, I wonder what we will learn to do over the next few months?   I think you will find that your parents are the best teachers!  Enjoy any activity you do for the first time, we are going to make bread in my house! Mrs Powell

Look at your home learning timetable for suggested activities for today, but above anything else just spend time with your family and enjoy the outdoors, especially whilst we have this good weather.

Family Walk/Run/Cycle or like us in the Whittingham household, tune into Joe Wick’s workout at 9am

Use Go Noodle and try Think Like A Scientist

Log onto 5-A-Day and have a go at Football.

Word of the day – vigour

Every day we will give you a word which you must learn and complete some related tasks with it.

  1. In your home learning book write this word 3 times in your best handwriting.
  2. Specify which word class it is e.g. noun, adjective, pronoun etc.
  3. Find a synonym for this word
  4. Find an antonym for this word
  5. Write it in a super sentence using a relative clause


Spend 5 – 10 minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Make sure you have completed all of Section One and Two in your Maths CGP Homework book.

Work through the pages on Statistics.

Have a go at one of the First4Maths activities.

Complete one of the Fluency Grids.

Creative Time

Try one of the following:

Lego Challenge Day 2 – NASA needs you to build a space rocket

Drawing Challenge – Draw your favourite animal or you could make it using recycled materials!

Music Challenge – sing your favourite song or play a piece of music

Like computing? Try this - Blockly -  https://blockly.games Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.

Like Art and Crafts? Try this - Red Ted Art https://www.redtedart.com Easy arts and crafts, including crafts for Easter.

Science Project – Body Health – benefit of exercise – check details on the Home Learning timetable

Keep enjoying the outdoors and see if you could set up some circuit training in the garden. My daughter made up her own gymnastics lesson out there yesterday – she bounced on her trampoline, went down the slide, ran up and down the garden and then finished on the swing! Lots of repetition and laughter!

Keep checking Twitter for updates, will be in touch tomorrow. Have a lovely day.                                                                                                                                            

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick


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