Toucans 24.4.20
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:42am
I think you all deserve a hot chocolate today. Thank you for all the effort that you have been putting into your home learning. I’m sure you will agree that having some structure again this week, after the Easter Holidays, was needed. That said, please just do as much as you can at home. Make sure your home learning fits in with your family life. I hope you are all listening to your parents and showing our Christian values at home.
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.” – Henry James
What have you done that is kind? What could you do today that is kind? Could you take a picture and put it on Twitter so we can all be kind like you. Mrs Powell
We will finish this week with another writing task. I hope the tasks this week have reminded you how well you can write and that you are all great writers. Remember Read like a Writer, Write like a Reader!
I’d like you to Log onto this website click onto Year 6 and have a go at the Weekly Maths Challenges. The answers will be revealed on Monday.
Also have a go at one of the attached Cooking with Maths activities over the weekend. Or just do some baking at home with one of your own recipes. Lots of Maths involved with home baking.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable and resources for today’s RE lesson – Why is Jesus, ‘Light of the World’, good news for Christians? This lesson will involve you producing some artwork.
Have a great weekend, relax, enjoy the outdoors and your family life best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick