Toucans 3.4.20
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 9:13am
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you are all keeping well. I was chatting with Aoife about what a joke is and we then spent ages exploring this website full of great quizzes, games, jokes, videos etc. Definitely worth a look to amuse yourselves over the next few weeks.
“You will never have this day again. So make it count”
Good morning children,
It may not feel like it but we are all very lucky to have each other. What are you going to do today to make it different from yesterday, we never get today again. What will you do today? How will you use it? Will you draw a picture? Do some PE? Help someone at home? I’m keeping a diary so that I can remember how I made each day count, could you? Mrs Powell
Stay safe and remember this: “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.”
Word of the day – elite
- In your home learning book write this word 3 times in your best handwriting.
- Specify which word class it is e.g. noun, adjective, pronoun etc.
- Find a synonym for this word
- Find an antonym for this word
- Write it in a super sentence using speech marks/inverted commas
Have a go at some of the literacy activities in your pack. Maybe one of the writing suggestions.
Log onto this website click on Week 2 and then complete Lesson 5 on Calculate Angles. Look at the video and then do the activity in your books. The answers are also there for you to check.
RE Project – Easter – see weekly timetable, create a piece of artwork
Easter Break Home Learning
As a school, we have decided that the daily blogs will not continue through the Easter holidays. We think it’s important you all have a break from this kind of learning and instead play, bake, garden, spend time together and relax! However, you will still get a weekly blog.
Here are some ideas for home learning ideas that you could do over the two week break, if you’d like! I'll add Week 2 in next weeks blog. Happy holidays everyone!
Week 1
Continue with some form of daily reading – you reading to your child, your child reading to you or whole-family reading time! Maybe you could try listening to some audio books on They are free for as long as schools are closed!
Zoo Visit
Go on a virtual visit to Chester Zoo with your family. On 27th March, Chester Zoo held a virtual zoo day where the live streamed footage from different enclosures around the zoo. Relive this experience by visiting the Chester Zoo YouTube page:
Easter Project
Remind yourself of the Easter story on YouTube using the following links:
What is Easter?
The Easter Story
Events of Good Friday
All the best from, Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and remember how proud we are of each of you.