Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans Home Learning 26.1.21

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 7:19pm

Tuesday 26th January 2021

Good morning Toucans. 

I hope you are all keeping well and had a good day yesterday. It was great to see your achievements being shared on our Discussion and Homework pages. You are all working extremely hard and we are very proud of you. Keep up the great work.


Equivalent FRACTIONS – This week we are starting a unit of work on Fractions. Today we will look at finding equivalent fractions, then we will look at comparing and ordering fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and finally dividing fractions. Some of this work should be familiar to you as we did quite a bit of work on fractions in class before Christmas.

Have a go at playing some of these Fraction Games from the Topmarks website.


Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.


  Times Tables

Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars   https://ttrockstars.com/   Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.

 Writing – Martha’s Suitcase

See the PowerPoint attached and the copy of Martha’s Suitcase. Today you will be focusing on understanding information in a text.  

Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.



New edition of First News for you to read today

  • See page 10 for a great article on Holocaust Memorial Day
  • Also page 16 Insect Ice-cream

Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.


This week we will be looking at the spellings ei and ie.

We will focus on the first 3 words today -  relief, receive, piece

Write each word out 3 times in your best handwriting.

Circle the ei or ie in each word.

Can you write an explanation for each word, maybe put the word in a sentence to explain its meaning?

If you didn’t get a chance to do this yesterday, take a look at this weblink to the see an online lesson on this spelling rule and there is a quiz at the bottom of the page that you can try.


I have also attached a spelling activity for you to do. Check any spellings you need to using a dictionary.

Here is the link to an online dictionary - https://www.dictionary.com/

Spelling words:        ceiling, shriek, perceive, relief, receive, piece, protein, achieve, niece, mischief  


The Last Post’ by Keith Campion, read by Mrs Whittingham

Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of this beautiful book.


 Worship – Open the Book

David and the Giant



Choose an activity to do outdoors for at least 20 mins – share your ideas/plan on our Discussion


Some ideas – jogging, walking, skipping, jumping on the trampoline, kicking football, roller blading, circuit training etc.


Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.

Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.

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