Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans Home Learning Wed 24.2.21

Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 3:29pm

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Good morning Toucans. 


My Smiling Mind - https://app.smilingmind.com.au/


Calculating the Mean – Listen carefully to the audio on each slide and look carefully at the images to help you solve today’s questions.

Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.


There is also the CGP page 86 on Pie Charts attached to the blog for you to do today

Please visit the Topmarks website for some great games focusing on Data Handling.


The Mystery of the Missing Knight – Maths Mystery Game (attached to today’s blog)

Maths activity to test your knowledge of the Four Rules of Number, Fractions, Shape and Space, Pie Charts and Equations

Try and complete a clue each day, there are 5 altogether, the answers are also included at the end for you to check.

  Times Tables

Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars   https://ttrockstars.com/   Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.


To write informative paragraphs about an endangered animal of your choice.

To apply all of the grammar skills practised throughout this unit.

The Power Point is too big to be attached today

Please watch this video and remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.



Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.


This week we will be looking at the spellings Plural Nouns

We will focus on the first 3 words today -  geese, women, wolves

Write down the singular form for each of these words - geese, women, wolves Then write down the plural form and explain how they have been made plural. What was the change/rule?

Put each plural word in a sentence to explain its meaning.

Spelling words:       yourselves, knives, bookshelves, loaves, potatoes, volcanoes, geese, women, wolves, deer,  


The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, read by Mrs Whittingham

Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.




Take a look at this websites for lots of ideas to stay active and healthy

 Eco-Campaign #EcoschoolsAtHome

We still need to have 2 tasks to be completed by as many children as possible please.

Please see the attachments on the blog which you can print off at home or to use as a template to record your work.

Task 1: Carry out a 2-day single use plastic audit at home 

Task 2: Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing?

Please drop of these tasks at school when completed.

Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.

Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.

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