Toucans W.B. 6.2.23
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 6:56pm
Welcome Back to Toucans’ Weekly Blog ?
Toucans have had a good first week back where we have launched our new theme on home and refugees.
Praise: Georgia
Top Table: Willow and Grace I
Next Week (W.B. 06.03.23)
- PE will continue to take place on both a Monday and a Friday each week, so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days. PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/navy.
- Our forest schools session this term will be next Tuesday (7th March) in the afternoon - this will be led by Mrs Evans. Please send your child into school on this day in their school uniform along with old, warm clothes, old trainers/wellies and a waterproof coat to change into for the afternoon session.
In English, we will continue with our new text, ‘The Day War Came’. We shall look at forming and using the present perfect form, using colons to explain or emphasise, and write a short note to a refugee to welcome them into our classroom.
In maths, we will complete our work on algebra before starting to focus on our new topic of measure. We will begin our focus with recapping how to work out area and perimeter before looking how to calculate the area of triangles. We will also continue with our 4-a-day arithmetic questions each morning to further practice our four operations.
In science, we will continue with our unit on evolution and look at how different plants and animals are adapted to survive in their environments.
In our history/geography lesson, we shall understand the difference between the terms: refugee, asylum seeker, migrant and immigrant through looking at different case studies.
In RE, we shall continue to explore The Resurrection and discuss the evidence for and against this event in a class debate.
In Art with Mrs Hulse, the children will use their sketching skills to sketch a refugee-themed image using different mark-making media to tie in with our current theme on home and refugees.
In PE, the children will continue with practising their tennis skills with Mr Ault.
Children in Year 6 will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers provided in the back of their homework book. If your child is finding the homework challenging, I will ensure that supervision is provided one lunchtime each week where your child can ask any questions or receive the support they need to complete the homework.
Children should complete pages 46 and 47 of their maths homework book this week and return it to school by Thursday 9th March. The homework consolidates our learning on missing number problems using our algebra knowledge and skills from this week’s lessons. Children should also complete pages 17-19 (Set A: Test 6) of their reading homework book.
Please also encourage your child to read for 15-20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings and times tables. Children need to record their reading in their homework diaries/planners. This really will help them with their reading speed and stamina.
The following website is great for times tables practice:
Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 10th March will begin to concentrate of the next set of Y5/6 statutory spelling words and will be: determined, develop, dictionary, disastrous, embarrass, environment, equipment, especially, exaggerate, excellent.
Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact!
Mr Corkill ?