Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans Week Beg. 11th October

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 4:27pm

Week beg 11th October 2021

This week we have begun thinking about our Christmas Production. We have been reading the script Hoodwinked (Robin Hood). Next week the children will tell me which parts they would like to audition for and then we can get the parts sorted before half term. This means we will be able to send home scripts with lines to learn over half term and suggestions for costumes so these can be put together. Keep an eye on our weekly blog for more updates.  

Once again it has been a delight to see all the Maths homework completed on time and to a high standard.

For homework, we will set another 2 pages in their Maths books this week, please see below. We would also like them to log onto Times Tables Rockstars at least 3 times a week for 15 mins. They have got their log in details in the front of their homework diaries and they also all logged on in class today so that we know they will be able to this by themselves at home.


Spellings for next week will focus will focus on words ending in the letter string - ough

Spellings will be tested on Friday 15th October – thoroughly, borough, although, doughnut, plough, drought, boughs, thorough, ploughing, ploughed

Maths Homework – Key Stage Two Maths SATs Question Book and Times Tables Rockstars

Homework is Written Adding and Subtracting and Written Multiplication page 12 and page 13 of the SATs book.

Remember you will be set 2 pages to do weekly which you can mark yourself using the answers at the back of the book.

(Maths homework will be set on a Thursday and if the children could bring their books back into school for the following Wednesday so we can check them that would be great. If they are struggling with anything, please don’t hesitate to send the book back sooner and we will do some extra work with them in school)


Maths – Next week we will be looking at factors, multiples and prime numbers.

RE – We will continue with our research to find out how different religions celebrate the birth of a child.  The children will use their ICT skills to create a word document to share their findings with the class.

Computing – the children will be using their logos that they made in their lesson with Mr Corkill last week to do some branding this week.

Science – Light

Next week we will be measuring shadow and find out how shadows change.  

Music – cello and violins lessons as well as learning to sing songs for our upcoming Harvest festival

PE day will be on Wednesday (Cricket Coach) and on Friday (Mr Ault). Children can come to school wearing their PE uniform on these days.


Kind regards,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing, Mr Beswick and Mr Corkill

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