Toucans week beg. 24th Jan
Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 4:38pm
Week beg 24th January 2022
We were delighted to see how keen the children were this week to complete their extra homework activities. Thank you for your support with this. We were especially pleased that the children wanted to do more!! We have said that they can complete more than one test in each of their books if they wish.
Just a reminder that our SATs information meeting will take place on Wednesday 26th January at 3:30pm.
We are still working with the children to ensure they all get the chance to have their pupil teacher meeting to tell us about how they are getting on and have a chance to share any targets that they or us want to work on together.
Our visit to the Imperial Museum Salford Quays has been postponed until after February half term due to Public Health advice. We are still waiting to hear back from the museum with a new date but we will let you know the new date when it is confirmed and the exact cost of the trip (approx. £10). You will receive an email about this with additional information as soon as possible.
Spellings for next week will focus will focus on spellings words ending in –ible and - able
Spellings will be tested on Friday 28th January – reliable, terrible, comfortable, visible, possible, responsible, suitable, adorable, visible, sensible
Maths Homework in the CGP Maths book on Coordinates pages 76 and 77 and Times Tables Rockstars
Reading CGP book Test 2 page 5 – 7
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling test 2 page 6 - 9
Maths – Next week we will be working on Decimals
History – children will be researching and presenting their findings on an aspect of World War 2. – focus on air raid shelters
DT – we will be revising structures and electrical circuits
Art – developing drawing skills using different implements
Music - Singing
PE day will be on Friday (Mr Ault)
Kind regards,
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing, Mr Beswick