Toucans week beg. 27th September
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 12:27pm
Week beg 27th September 2021
Toucans have worked hard again this week. They have all amazed us with their positive attitude towards everything that they are doing in school, from learning to play cricket, playing their musical instruments, learning German and working so hard to improve their handwriting. We have spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks to ensure everyone is joining their letters correctly. Please encourage your child to use their joined handwriting when learning their spellings at home.
Again it has been a delight to see all Maths homework completed on time and to a high standard. We are also pleased to see the enthusiasm that the class are showing towards their reading at home. So many of them are recording their daily reading – 20mins – in their diaries independently. Thank you for your support with this.
For homework, we will set another 2 pages in their Maths books this week, please see below. We would also like them to log onto Times Tables Rockstars at least 3 times a week for 15 mins. They have got their log in details in the front of their homework diaries and they also all logged on in class today so that we know they will be able to this by themselves at home.
Spellings for next week will focus on words ending in shul spelt –cial or -tial
Spellings will be tested on Friday 1st October – official, special, social, artificial, financial, essential, partial, confidential, initial, torrential
Maths Homework – Key Stage Two Maths SATs Question Book and Times Tables Rockstars
In school we have been applying our knowledge of Place Value this week so the homework is Mixed Practice page 8 and page 9 of the SATs book.
Remember you will be set 2 pages to do weekly which you can mark yourself using the answers at the back of the book.
(Maths homework will be set on a Thursday and if the children could bring their books back into school for the following Wednesday so we can check them that would be great. If they are struggling with anything, please don’t hesitate to send the book back sooner and we will do some extra work with them in school)
Maths – Next week we will continue our work on the Four Operations by focusing on Addition and Subtraction.
History – We will be finding out about the War of the Roses
RE – Our first unit is all about Diversity – appreciating the people all around us in the world today and celebrating their similarities and differences. This week we will be celebrating what makes us each unique.
Science – Light
Next week they will be looking at how light travels in straight lines and carry out lots of investigations
PE day will be on Wednesday (Cricket Coach) and on Friday (Mr Ault). Children can come to school wearing their PE uniform on these days.
Kind regards,
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing, Mr Beswick and Mr Corkill