Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans week beg. 7th February

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 4:32pm

Week beg 7th February 2022

Lots of great writing this week be our lovely Toucans. They have written a number of letters and diary entries based on our book The Selfish Giant. Good understanding of personification shown by all.


Spellings for next week will focus will focus on Plural Nouns

Spellings will be tested on Friday 7th February – yourselves, knives, bookshelves, loaves, tornadoes, thieves, potatoes, wolves, buffaloes, geese

Maths Homework in the CGP Maths book on Equivalent Fractions and Decimals pages 37 and 38 and Times Tables Rockstars

Reading CGP book Test 3

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Test 3


Maths – Next week we will be working some more on Percentages

History – children will complete their work on Air Raid Shelters by using their Computing skills to present their work

DT – we will be revising structures and electrical circuits – exploring different materials

Music - Singing

PE day will be on Friday (Mr Ault)


Kind regards,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing, Mr Beswick

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