Toucans week beg. 14.10.19
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 3:38pm
A big thank you to all who attended our Come and Join Session. The children have shown some excellent skills as they became historians and began their enquiry project based on an aspect of conflict that interests them.
Next week, the children will be continuing their writing based on our book 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope'. In Maths, they will be looking at factors and prime numbers. As well as solving a variety of number problems using our reasoning skills. In RE, we will continue to finish off our non-chronological report on Judaism.
Rugby World Cup
To mark the Rugby World Cup, year 5 and 6 will be involved in an intra school competition on Friday 18th October with Mr Ault.
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths homework. The children seem to be enjoying their new books. Don’t forget if your child has found a topic particularly difficult, mark the page with a red dot and then we will work on these weaknesses as part of our intervention sessions in school.
Just to remind you, each week, your child will circle and date the page numbers that we would like them to complete that week, they can write it in their homework diaries and we will also put on the blog each week, the page numbers we would like them to do too! The books will go home on a Friday each week and will be due in on the following Wednesday.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 16 and 17 (Written Multiplication) due in on Wednesday 16th October.
Our spelling words next week will focus on homophones:
principal, wary, principle, weary, bridal, precede, bridle, proceed, there, their
Parents’ Evening
Just a reminder that Parents Evening will take place on Tuesday 15th October and Wednesday 16th October. This is an opportunity for you to find out how your child has settled into Year 6 and to take a look through their books.
At the moment we are just working on roles in school but will let you know when we may need your child to stay behind after school to work on their acting/singing.
Inter School Sports Competitions
We have the following sporting events coming up over the next few weeks. Mr Ault and Mrs Whittingham will select the teams and your child will receive a letter if chosen.
Tuesday 22nd October away football match at Sandiway.
Wednesday 23rd October Tag Rugby at Moss Farm
Friday 25th October Hockey at RSA
Art Day
Toucans will have an Art Day on Thursday 24th October. They will explore the work of the Wartime artist Paul Nash and create some conflict paintings based on his work. Please could they bring in an old t-shirt/shirt to wear on this day.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick