Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans week beg. 23.3.20

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 8:01am

Toucans Blog Week beg. 23/3/20

Good morning Toucans! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready to commence your home learning. It is a very strange feeling for me this morning that I’m not able to greet you all personally, remind you to choose your dinner and to settle down to your booster task! On the bright side, at least we know there are no SATs to sit this year so you can simply enjoy learning this week. Remember everything that you will be doing will prepare you for high school.

Take another look at your timetable, paper copy in your folder and I’ll also put it on the blog. However, just do as much as you can. Enjoy spending time with your family, help them wherever you can and remember be Ready, Respectful and Safe!

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.” A.A. Milne.

I am so proud of all the children, enjoy your first day of learning in a different way and remember to plant those sunflower seeds.  Mrs P

I’m sure you have done the following chores and are ready to start … Eaten breakfast, made your bed, got washed and dressed and put any laundry in the basket.

Family Walk/Run/Cycle

When you are out and about today, keep any eye out for signs of Spring. It would then be lovely if you could jot these down in your home learning book, or drew/painted a picture of what you saw.


Use Go Noodle and try Banana, Banana, Meatball again!


Log onto 5-A-Day and have a go at Hula.


Word of the day – deliberate

Every day we will give you a word which you must learn and complete some related tasks with it.

  1. In your home learning book write this word 3 times in your best handwriting.
  2. Specify which word class it is e.g. noun, adjective, pronoun etc.
  3. Find a synonym for this word
  4. Find an antonym for this word
  5. Write it in a super sentence using a fronted adverbial


PE Challenge for the week

How many star jumps can you do in a minute? Can you increase the number you do over the week? Keep a tally in the back of your home learning book.



Spend 5 – 10 minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Make sure you have completed all of Section One and Two in your Maths CGP Homework book.

Work through the pages on Ratio and Proportion.

Have a go at one of the First4Maths activities.

Complete one of the Fluency Grids.


Creative Time

Try one of the following:

Lego Challenge Day 1 – You were hired by an amusement park to create a new roller coaster.

Drawing Challenge – Draw yourself wearing your favourite clothes

Music Challenge – sing your favourite song or play a piece of music

Like computing? Try this - Blockly -  https://blockly.games Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.

Like Art and Crafts? Try this - Red Ted Art https://www.redtedart.com Easy arts and crafts, including crafts for Easter.


History/Geography Project

As we learn more about our Adrift Project, I challenge you to be able to name as many countries as you can in the world and locate them on a world map. Have a look at this website https://world-geography-games.com/world.html - Try the Continents game and the World Countries games


Enjoy your home learning and make the best of the good weather and the outdoors. Don’t worry about how much work you do or don’t get done today, this is all new to us and we will adapt.

Keep checking Twitter for updates, will be in touch tomorrow. Have a lovely day.                                                                                                                                               

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

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