Toucans week beg. 29.03.21
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 4:26pm
Week ending the 26th March 2021
Toucans have enjoyed working in groups on our History Enquiry Project this week. They have chosen a concept/aspect of World War 2 to research and present to their classmates in poster form. We are nearly finished them so will hopefully be able to tweet some soon.
We have also been looking at our ART objectives and have been developing our drawing and painting skills using a variety of media and textures. We have been looking at the artwork of a Christian artist, Cindy Norris, to create our own paintings.
The only homework we want our children to be doing at the moment is reading and spellings.
Spellings for next week will focus on ei and ie
Spellings will be tested on Thursday 1st April – piece, perceive, relief, deceive, achieve, ceiling, believe, receive, niece, shriek
Curriculum – highlights for next week
Monday 29th March – focus will be on Science
Tuesday 30th March – focus will be on ICT using IPads
Wednesday 31st March – Class Worship in church to mark Easter, make Easter Cards
Thursday 1st April – Lostock Book Day – please wear pjs, focus on Reading
PE day will be on Thursday (cricket)
Kind regards,
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick