Toucans week beg. 4.11.19
Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 8:12am
We hope the children have a safe and restful half term and we would like to thank them for all their hard work this term. We look forward to welcoming them back after the holidays and begin preparations in earnest with our Aladdin Production.
Please remember that Monday 4th November is an Inset day. We will welcome the children back on Tuesday 5th November 2019.
If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for the before school netball club which will begin on Tuesday 5th November 8 – 8.45am
PE will continue after half term on Thursdays and Fridays
Imperial War Museum
We will be preparing for our trip to the Imperial War Museum on Wednesday 13th November by undertaking research about the Yemen Crisis, finding out more about the museum, exploring a floor map of the museum and focusing on what we will find out about WW1 and Rationing, in particular.
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths Homework. We hope you are finding our new books useful tools for revision.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 24 and 25 (Multiples and Factors) due in on Wednesday 6th November
Our spelling words next week will focus on double letters:
apparently, correspond, sufficient, opportunity, profession, beginning, forgetting, preferred, admitting, beginner
The children will be rehearsing for their roles on Friday afternoon during school time.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick