Tuesday 2nd June
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 7:19pm
Good Morning my lovely Owls.
Hope you all had a wonderful Outdoor Monday in the sunshine. I went into school yesterday and did a video with Mrs Hoskins, Mrs Esling and Mrs Judge showing you round the classroom and some of the changes we have made. We have some new dolls that Mrs Powell has bought us and some new happy land things.
Today is Animal Tuesday. I know how much you all love animals. I have included some ideas of activities you might like to do and some sheets you might want to print off on Tapestry. Don't worry if you do not have a printer as you can do them on paper or in your exercise book.
Here is a lovely activity making snail spirals using cotton buds. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/ https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Day-2-The-Snail-and-the-Whale.pdf
I hope you have a wonderful day today and please share all of your animal adventures with us.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell: Pause for Thought: Be Kind Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds). Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week? Dear God, Please help us to be kind to those around us. Please help us to think about the needs of other people. Please help us to seek to live in peace. Amen.