Tuesday 5th May
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 1:36pm
Morning Owls
How are you all this morning? I wonder what you have planned for today?
Leo got a bike for his birthday so each day we keep trying to have a little practise. It is lovely seeing so many of you on your bikes and learning new skills at home.
I hope you are still enjoying our online Read Write Inc lessons. At this time, if you feel your Owl is confident in the set they are working on and can read every sound from the set in lots of different words both during the lesson and in reading books, they are then ready to move onto the next set. Please do not rush this, we expect children to remain on the same set and need to repeat sounds, this is totally normal.
On the Oxford Owl website, there are now some Speedy Green Word slideshows available to use at home. These slideshows are a great way to help with children’s fluency. There are eight slideshows covering all Read Write Inc levels available on the link below. You will see the slideshow linked to your child's colour book they are on. Please follow the link below and down to ‘Speedy Green Word Slideshows’. Visiting this website may also remind you of some of the other brilliant Read Write Inc resources available to support home learning..
In Maths today you can learn about the days of the week and make your own calendar. https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/exploring-and-discussing-the-days-of-the-week-reception-wk3-2
Our fitness challenge for day 2: Hop around like a frog for 20 seconds.
Remember these are just ideas to help at home. Please do not worry if you do not do everything. Just do what you can, when you can.
Hope you all have a lovely day and remember I am so proud of you all.
Keep smiling.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell: Please watch this clip and think about what we talked about yesterday http://tinyurl.com/qbkaq75 I love this story. Do you think Mr George likes cabbage now? Can you imagine how he felt? Victory in Europe (VE) Day marked the end of the Second World War in Europe in 1945. Friday 8th May 2015 was the official 70th anniversary of VE Day. VE Day is another day that many people will never forget as it marked the end of a terrible war in Europe, though there was still fighting in Japan until later that year. Mr George’s memorable day was one of great danger followed by relief at still being alive. This is one type of memorable day although hopefully no one present will experience such a day! My Gran Peggy used to tell me when she had her very first orange as you couldn’t get them during the war; she used to make lots of marmalade as oranges became her favourite fruit! Mr George’s story reminds us that we all have special days that will stay with us forever. We don’t know when they will come or what they will be.