W.B. 2.11.20
Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 9:20am
Hi everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog 😊
I can’t believe we are at the end of the first half term! I want to start by saying how lovely it has been to hear our school filled with laughter again over the past 8 weeks. I also want to say a big well done to all of Skylarks class who have worked incredibly hard and are ready for a relaxing half term.
As we look ahead to the first week back, we will be starting our new class text ‘Queen of the Falls’ in our writing lessons. We will begin by using picture clues to predict what the text might be about and will then explore the story page by page. We will also write our own postcards from the foot of Niagara Falls thinking about the audience and purpose for which we are writing.
In Maths we will be putting our knowledge of place value to the test by solving problems using the skills we acquired during the first half term. We will also begin to look at formal written methods for addition (column method).
In RE will begin our new topic by looking at Titles. We will first explore titles that we give each other, for example, Mum, Dad, friend and teacher. We will then use bible verses to help us learn about the different titles given to Jesus.
Our PE day will continue to be on a Monday next half term so please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day.
Spellings will be sent home with your child during week 1 and our spelling quiz will begin the week after.
When we return to school, you will receive an email asking you to book a parent-teacher phone call using School Spider. Skylarks phone calls will take place on Wednesday 11th November. Please don’t worry about booking your slot yet, you will receive more information about this when we return to school after the half term.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and a fun-filled half term!
Miss Beattie and Mrs Hulse 😊