Owls WB 26.9.22
Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 6:29pm
This week we have...
What a fantastic week we have had, even with one less day our fantastic Owls have managed to do so much this week. We have learnt 4 new sounds in phonics (i,n,p and g) and have started blending sounds.
Our key text this week was ‘The Colour Monster’, we have explored how feelings can sometimes get mixed up and can feel too busy, it is always good to talk to friends and family to sort through them together! Using the key text to inspire us, we have been creating our own colour monsters describing their unique features by learning about the different body parts.
Owls have been doing experiments with paints and predicting what new colours we have when mixing two together. We have carried on our exploration of colour by going leaf hunt to find different coloured leaves to use in our artwork next week.
Next week we will...
Next week we will be talking about our families and what makes yours unique and special to you!
Please can you bring in some lovely pictures of your family that we can keep on our family tree display this term – we will be talking about our families in class so it would be a lovely chance for children to share pictures with their friends (please feel free to email a copy if you would prefer).
In Numeracy, we will be spotting patterns and smaller groups within a larger group. Children will be exploring how seeing these smaller groups helps to reach the total amount quickly!
Please continue to bring your wellies, waterproofs and coats into school, as the weather is becoming more wet and it is important for Owls class to access our outside learning area through all weathers.
Homework packs containing phonics work and a small maths challenge has been put in your child’s school bag to be completed for next week. Thank you to everyone who has brought back their homework from last week, the writing has been fantastic to see!
As always if you have any questions please feel free to contact via email or speak to me at the gate after school.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Dalby, Mrs Hoskins and Mrs Rathbone