Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Wednesday 8th July - Robins

Date: 7th Jul 2020 @ 2:21pm

Good morning Robins and Happy Wednesday J

It was so lovely to see so many of you yesterday – it really put a big smile on my face!!

I just loved this photo as a little reminder that we must look after ourselves and others during these strange times when we are not in school. What will you do today to:

  • Keep learning?
  • Get connected?
  • Be mindful?
  • Be active?
  • Be giving?

This morning Mrs Rice has read a story for you:


For maths and writing today we will continue with our Oak National Academy Lessons looking at the features of a story and our 8 times tables.

Maths: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/use-known-multiplication-facts-to-derive-our-8-times-table

English: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-the-features-of-a-story

I have attached our No Outsider’s Lessons again for you today. Remember there are 9 lessons in total so you could either choose your favourite lesson/activity to complete or spread them out of the next week or two if you want to do them all J

Our timetable is also attached with some suggested activities and resources.

Remember if you need any help today, or have any question, just pop over to our Class Discussion and I will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Sending big hugs,

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx


Message from Mrs Powell:

Explorers: Freya Stark (1893-1993)

Stark went where few Europeans, especially women, had ever been before. A British explorer and writer, her travels led her into remote areas of Turkey and the Middle East. While living in Baghdad, she explored and mapped uncharted areas of the Islamic world. Hers were some of the first accurate maps of the region. She moved on foot, on donkeys, on camels and by car – camping along the way. Stark is the author of more than 24 travel books, covering local history, culture and tales of everyday life. In spite of age and illnesses, she never stopped travelling. In 1972 she was honoured as Dame Freya Stark!  Wow!

What adventures would you go on?  Why?


A small prayer I thought would be great for children to say every day! Childrens Prayer, Prayer For My Children, Bible For Kids, Bedtime Prayers For Children, A Childs Prayer, Daily Prayer, My Prayer, Morning Prayers, Morning Prayer For Kids


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