Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Week Beginning 02.03.20

Date: 26th Feb 2020 @ 5:12pm

Firstly, I would like to thank all the lovely family members who joined us for our Science lesson today – The children loved having you there!

What a great few days we have had in Robins class. I have particularly enjoyed watching the children plan their own informative texts about whales – They have learnt so much from the book ‘Big Blue Whale’. Looking ahead to next week, the children will be using their plans to write and edit their own informative texts about the dangers whales face and how we can help to protect them.

In maths, we will be concentrating on written methods for division. We will also be consolidating our knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

Our fantastic ‘Adrift’ project will commence next week. It will be kicked off with a theatre performance of ‘Adrift’ on Wednesday afternoon. Following on from this, we will be considering what the term ‘home’ means to us – Thank you to the children who have already sent in a photo of the outside of their house. If you haven’t already, please could these be sent in for next week. We will also be defining the term ‘migration’ and considering the movement of people all the way back in the Stone Age.

In science, we will be finishing our topic by comparing and grouping the skeletons of different animals. We will define the terms ‘Exoskeleton’ and ‘Endoskeleton’.


Our spellings for the test on Friday 6th March will continue to look at words with the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’:

chalet, sachet, ricochet, crochet, machinery, pistachio, parachute


Please try to read with your child and practice their spellings/ times tables daily. We have noticed a huge improvement with this – Keep it up Robins! 



PE will now take place on a Tuesday (Gymnastics)

Wednesday 4th March: World Book Day for Lostock

Wednesday 4th March: Adrift Theatre Performance


As always, please pop in to see us if you have any questions or queries.

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

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