Week Beginning 07.10.19
Date: 2nd Oct 2019 @ 5:45pm
Wow, another very busy week in Robins Class! Firstly, I want to say how proud I am of the children - their attitude towards their learning has been fantastic this week which has allowed us to produce some outstanding work! Also, a big well done Robins for your lovely prayer during our Harvest Festival.
Next week, we will be focussing on the different settings in our book ‘Seal Surfer’. We will be identifying high quality language used to describe the different seasons in the book and applying this in our very own setting descriptions. In maths, we will be using bar modelling to identify related number facts, and we will continue to practice mental strategies for adding and subtracting. In science, we will be investigating what makes a ‘good’ shadow, applying our knowledge of transparent, translucent and opaque materials. Next Friday 11th October, we will be making Apple Crumble as part of our DT topic on seasonality. If you have any questions about this, please come and have a chat with me.
Our spellings next week will continue to look at the im- prefix: impartial, improper, improbable, impatiently, immovable, immeasurable, important, immaturity
We would love it if you could attend our KS2 Come and Join Us session from 2pm on Wednesday 9th October where will be looking at the Artist William Kentridge and applying his charcoal techniques in our very own cave paintings.
Many thanks,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling