Week Beginning 09.03.20
Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 5:05pm
What a busy week we have had! The children in Robins Class have been very busy writing their information texts based on the book ‘Big Blue Whale’. Mrs Esling and I have been so impressed with the children’s writing and want to say a huge well done!
After finishing our writing this week, we will be starting our new class text ‘The Silence Seeker’ by Ben Morley on Monday. We will begin by looking at the book title/cover and making predictions about what we think it is about. We will continue to look at book clues throughout the week to add to our predictions. Through these clues will build up our knowledge of what the term ‘asylum seeker’ means.
In maths, we will be putting our knowledge of written methods for multiplication and division to the test by completing a variety of problem solving questions.
Next week is British Science Week which we will be celebrating in school. The whole school will take part in a Science Workshop on Monday morning led by Techniquest. Robins class will have an additional workshop in the afternoon to support us with our ‘Forces’ topic in science.
Our spellings for the test on Friday 13th March will look at words with the ‘i’ sound spelt ‘y’:
Egypt, gym, myth, pyramid, cymbals, mystery, mysterious, syllable
Monday 9th March: Robins will have PE with Mr Ault, in addition to Gymnastics on Tuesday. Please ensure children have the correct kit in school on these days.
Monday 9th March: Techniquest Show and Forces Workshop.
Friday 13th March: Children can wear sporty clothes in support of Sport Relief.
As always, please pop in to see us if you have any questions or queries.
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling