Week beginning 16.09.19
Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 8:23pm
Week beginning 16.09.19
Welcome to Skylarks class weekly blog. Every Thursday evening a blog will be posted containing information on what the children have been up to during the week and with expectations of what is to come in the following week. I would like to stress how pleased I am with how the new year 5 class have settled into the daily routine. Their behaviour is impeccable and our new behaviour policy is ensuring that their positive behaviour continues. Thank you to all of the parents who attended our ‘meet the teacher’ evening, it was lovely to meet you all.
This week we have began our learning on place value with some fun games and tricky problems.Next week, the children will be continuning to build on these skills of place value looking at Roman Numerals and comparing numbers.
Skylarks have loved inferencing ideas on what our new class book is, from which, we have began to create some brilliant pieces of writing. Next week, we will be writing up begin to create descriptions of settings based on pictures in the book. The children are working collaboratively to ensure that they are meeting expectations during lesson time.
Homework will consist of weekly spellings, reading, times tables rockstars and a piece of maths homework. Spellings and maths homework will be given out on a Friday and is due back the following Friday for marking and testing.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week and if you are unsure of anything please feel free to come and speak to me (Miss Thwaites) or Mrs Hulse in the mornings.
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse