Week Beginning 13.01.20
Date: 8th Jan 2020 @ 8:08am
What a great first week back after Christmas! Robins have settled back into school life very well and have produced some excellent work.
Next week, Robins will continue to look at multiplication and division in maths – specifically multiplying and dividing by 4. In our writing lessons we will be using all of learning from our book Winter’s Child to plan, draft and edit our own fantasy stories (I’m already looking forward to reading these)!
In topic we will be using maps to locate counties and cities in the UK. We will begin by locating where we live and comparing this to the location of Stonehenge. We will also be commencing our new science topic where we will be learning about animals and humans and what they need to stay fit and healthy. We will begin our topic next week by sharing what we already know and what we would like to find out. Robins will also begin their new art topic by looking at pottery from the Stone Age and identifying the techniques and patterns that were used.
As you can see, we have a very busy but exciting week ahead of us!
Robins spellings for the test on Friday 17th January will continue to look at homophones:
Meet and meat
Great and grate
Bear and bare
Break and brake
Week and weak
Please try to read with your child daily, as well as practice their spellings and times tables.
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please pop in to speak to us!
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling