Week beginning 13.1.20
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 4:16pm
Happy New Year to you all and we hope you have had a lovely Christmas holiday.
Goldfinches have settled into 2020 well and have shown some wonderful focus, ideas and listening this week.
Please help your child to become independent in their organisation by bringing their diary into the classroom every morning. We remind them every day to change their reading book when they need to and to bring 1 reading book and their diary home each evening.
Coming up:
Writing- we will be completing the last few writing activities based around Escape From Pompeii over the next couple of weeks. Our big focus this term is ensuring our handwriting is joined and fluent and editing our own work for accurate punctuation.
Reading- we will be continuing to work through our assessment paper to learn how to edit and improve our answers and to focus on how to scan and skim the text effectively for the relevant information.
Spelling: focusing on words with the 'sc' e.g. scissors, scene, scent.
You will receive a highlighted copy of the 2nd column words from the Y3/4 Statuatory word list next week. The highlighted words are the words your child spelt correctly. Please continue to work on the words your child misspelt.
Maths- Consolidating the use of practical equipment to support multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks Hit the Button game. I have sent some paper copies of 6x division by 6 or 9x table this week.
Times table tests- we are increasing these to twice a week (where possible) this term as the children are working so well through their tables. Please keep up all the hard work to support their learning at home as it is really working! Keep an eye on their progress with the times table stickers which we put in their diaries weekly.
RE- Our new RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God.
History- Hands on History for the day at Chester Grosvenor Museum on Wednesday 15th Jan. Please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves as part of the day will be spent outside. Please also provide a snack and their water bottle as well as packed lunch unless you have ordered a CAT BAG.
Science- Electricity is our new topic. We will be learning the names of different components of a circuit.
PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics will now be on a Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.
Extra PE lessons: Goldfinches will have an extra PE slot a couple of times a term with Mr Ault. Their first extra slot will be this Monday 13th Jan as well as having their new weekly lesson of PE on Friday 17th Jan.
Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our new focus this half term.
We are all looking forward to another action packed, productive and fun filled half term!
Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan