Week beginning 15th March 2021
Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 5:19pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
It has been absolutely fantastic to welcome each and every one of our wonderful Goldfinches back into school. They have continued to make us so proud with their passion for learning and happy faces.
Star of the week goes to: Edward.
Top Table award goes to: Ellie
This week we have… and next week we will…
…enjoyed the opportunities to be back together again and working in teams in lots of different subjects.
English- We launched our new English book ‘Leon and the place between’ with a visit to the circus and let our senses explore lots of delights! We have made predictions about our shared reading book ‘The train to impossible places.’ Next week we will write setting descriptions to support our use of a wider range of conjunctions and building a rich and varied vocabulary.
We will continue to award raffle tickets for home reading so please support your child to keep their diary up to date and signed as you read with them daily.
Spellings- words adding the prefix ‘inter’
Maths- In maths we have recapped multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Next week we will be multiplying and dividing by 0 and 1 and solving addition and multiplication problems.
Science- We have really enjoyed finding out about different scientists, jobs and inventions as part of Science week and were very successful at the balloon challenge. I was very impressed with how much knowledge and understanding the children were able to share of our Sound Topic. We will move on to our new topic Teeth, digestion and healthy food choices.
History- and Art skills were used to create our own clay coins inspired by the coins of the Ancient Greek city states.
Music- We enjoyed our first Ukulele lesson in Y4 and really impressed Dan.
German- We enjoyed recapping our knowledge of Germany and where it is in the world and are answering the register in German.
PE- We have enjoyed playing team games and solving problems together outside.
Thank you all for your continued support and as always, if there is something you would like to discuss with me, please don't hesitate to phone or e-mail the school office.
Mrs Evans