Week beginning 16.9.19
Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 9:00pm
Hello and welcome to Starlings Class Blog,
What a busy start to the year we have had… I am amazed with the independent learning that I have already seen this year.
We have another busy week ahead of us next week.
In Maths we are continuing to focus on Place Value. We are going to be representing objects in different ways and counting, reading and writing numbers. Later in the week, we will focus on counting one more and one less than a given number.
Last week, we loved using clues to identify our new class text, Lost and Found. Next week we will be continuing our reading journey, uncovering the story one page at a time. We will be writing labels for lost animals, writing character descriptions and writing factual sentences about penguins.
We will be having a Geography focus week this week, preparing for our school trip to Northwich on Wednesday 25th September. We will be looking at maps, photographs and books to find out about our local area.
- 3 reads
- Maths Challenge - How many ways can you make the number 10? Eg. 6+4=10, 5+5 = 10.
- Spellings (In diary on Friday)
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam