Week beginning 2.3.20
Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 5:13pm
Hi everyone,
The children have been completing their final write based on the book 'Arthur and the Golden rope', the children should be extremely proud of what they have achieved. Next week, we will be looking at our new book for the term based around our adrift project.
In maths, the children have finished looking at fractions, they have learnt how to recognise equivalent fractions. They have also been looking at converting fractions and this will be consolidated by them completing page 29 in their CGP workbooks.
Next week, is assessment week for the children. They also have a science workshop on Monday, which will be very exciting. On Friday 13th, your children should come dressed in sport clothes to raise money for sports relief.
CGP maths book (page 29)
TT rockstars
Spellings (see in link attached)
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse