Week beginning 23.9.19
Date: 18th Sep 2019 @ 10:33pm
Goldfinches have had a hard working week and are settling well into the Y4 routines. We enjoyed a boogie to 'Happy' to celebrate everybody's name being on the Recognition Board and are now working hard on 'Stopping straight away' as our next target.
It is wonderful to see how hard our Goldfinches are working on their reading, spellings and times tables at home and thank you all so much for all the comments in their diaries.
Please make sure your child has their school PE kit and trainers in school all week as WB 23rd September will be a very active week for us:
Mon 23rd - PE as usual with Mr Ault.
Wed 25th - Fitness session with Theresa and Cricket with our coaches.
Thurs 26th - Tennis session with coaches from the Tennis club.
In Literacy will be continuing to explore our Gorilla text. We will look at the book 'Seen and Not Heard' in guided reading which is a wonderful text for grabbing the children's attention and interest.
Maths will continue to focus on negative numbers, rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and practising the 6x table.
In RE we will explore the concept of 'belief' by sharing our beliefs as Christians and comparing them with Sikh beliefs.
In History (now we have found out where Greece, Athens, Italy and Rome are in the world) we will be placing Ancient Greece and Roman times onto a timeline. This will help us to learn more about BC and AD parts of a timeline. In science the children will continue their journey through the digestive system and learn about its functions!
In computing the children will begin to explore the Codu programme in which they learn to use coding to create a virtual world!
In spelling we will further consolidate the 'sure' spellings and practise the new set which are words with the prefix 'auto'. On Friday, Mrs O'Marah will continue to focus on the first column of the Statutory Y3/4 spellings (attached)
We will continue to 'Get Heart Smart' and follow the My Happy Mind programme within PSHE.
Thank you for all of your continued support,
Mrs Evans, Mrs Brennan and Mrs O'Marah