Week beginning 24.2.20
Date: 26th Feb 2020 @ 5:50pm
Hi everyone,
The children have had a brilliant final week back after half-term. They have begun to write their final piece based on the book 'Arthur and the Golden rope'. They have made a fantastic start and will continue to finish this in the new week and then we will begin exploring our new class book.
In maths, the children have finished looking at short division and are now exploring fractions, looking at equivalent fractions to begin with.
A note was given in the final week before half-term about maths homework. The children will have their homework checked this week (Friday. Please continue to make sure your children are practicing times tables in a way that is most memorable for them or on TT rockstars.
CGP maths book (page28)
TT rockstars
Spellings (see in link attached)
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse