Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Week Beginning 27.1.20

Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 9:36pm

Another busy week for Goldfinches designing their own Fortress in Northwich using their knowledge from last week's trip. They have also put a huge effort and focus into writing the final story for Escape From Pompeii and should be proud of how hard they worked.

Just a few reminders: No nail varnish, lip gloss or jewellery in school please. If your child needs to use vaseline/chap stick for sore lips please ensure they hand it to the class teacher to look after and they can apply it before going outside.

I have reminded the children again about keeping their home books at home and only taking their school book, or a book I have selected for them home each night along with their diary. 

Thank you to everyone for bringing in smaller bags/book bags/PE bags. It really has helped reduce the overcrowding in the cloakroom 

Coming up:

Writing- we will be starting our new class book next week..... your children will reveal it when they have discovered what it is!

Reading- we will be exploring a short story book to help us predict and infer ideas about characters.

Spelling: focusing on Y3/4 statutory words in the third column.

Maths- Consolidating the use of practical equipment to support multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers. Using our new Power Maths books to help with a range of presenting and solving calculations.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks- Arithmetic, Multiplication, Division, Factoring (Times table grid game which helps children focus on a mixture of tables)

Times table tests- we are increasing these to twice a week (where possible) this term as the children are working so well through their tables. Please keep up all the hard work to support their learning at home as it is really working! Keep an eye on their progress with the times table stickers which we put in their diaries weekly.

RE- Our new RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God.

History- evaluating how reliable different sources of information are. Learning about Boudicca and her rebellion against the Roman army.

Geography- Reviewing the route taken by the Romans as their empire grew and including the capital cities and main rivers in the UK, France, Switzerland and Italy. A lovely activity to do at home ids to use Google maps to explore these countries. 

Art- we will be making links with Geography and flags of the world to contribute to the Y4 Art project which will be part of the Northwich Art Trail

Science- Electricity is our new topic. We will be learning the names of different components of a circuit.

PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics will now be on a Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.

Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our new focus this half term.

We look forward to another wonderful week!

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 

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