Week beginning 29th March 2021
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 8:35am
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
Goldfinches have continued to work hard this week and make us so proud.
Star of the week goes to: Abi
Top Table award goes to: Grace D
This week we have… and next week we will…
…continued to enjoy the opportunities to be back together again and working in teams in lots of different subjects.
English- We have really got into the story of Leon and The Place Between and have met more of the characters. We have recapped our use of subordinate clauses within some beautiful descriptive writing. Next week we will continue to explore more of the story and of course, we are looking forward to finishing the term in our pyjamas for our very own World Book Day on Thursday.
Spellings- continuing with words with the spelling pattern ‘ey’ ‘ei’ ‘eigh’
Maths- In maths we have enjoyed exploring how to record multiplication methods in different ways in order to solve multiplication problems. We have started our times tables challenges again.
History- we investigated a range of pictures and artefacts to help investigate more about what life was like in Ancient Greece.
Music- Ukulele is going well and we are learning to play in time together which is a really tricky skill but lots of fun!
German- We enjoyed learning to greet each other and recapped asking each other’s names.
PE- We have enjoyed playing team games and solving problems together outside.
Art- We have found out about the artist Lynne Pugh who shares her Christian faith through art. Her painting has inspired us to create our own mixed media collage and we have begun by recapping tint in colour by adding white.
No Outsiders- Our story this week was ‘Crayon’ and through it we enjoyed giving advice about being the best people we can be and being proud to be ourselves.
As always, if you want to speak to me, please don't hesitate to contact the school office by phone or e-mail.
Mrs Evans