Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Week beginning 2nd November

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 8:04am

Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog. 

Another hard working week for Goldfinches who have shown enjoyment and enthusiasm in their learning.

  Star of the week: Congratulations to Francesca.

 Top Table: Congratulations to Jake.


Diaries- please support your child to bring their diary into school every day.


  Home Reading

We have given out lots of raffle tickets at the end of this half term- ready to go into the whole school raffle ticket jar. Please continue to support your child to read at home. This can be a mixture of them reading independently, reading to you and you reading to them.

This week we have continued to assess the children in their reading in class.



Spelling focus: words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list

Believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre

Each week we will be playing spelling games in class, learning spelling rules in our lessons and also practising them through handwriting.


  Times Tables

3x table and moving onto the 6x table.

Keep an eye out in diaries for your child’s progress stickers. As last year we will work through the Bronze (in order) Silver (mixed up) and Gold (Division facts) for each times table.

TTRockstars- Please encourage t 10-15 minutes on this a few times a week as this is an excellent way of helping to embed times table knowledge. Let’s see how many Y4 rock stars we can get on the leader board! Login details are on a sticker in your child’s diary.




At the moment, PE lessons are on Mondays and Fridays. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days.

For safety long hair must be tied back, earrings removed (by the child) or covered with tape.

Mr Ault’s club is also available for Year 4 Goldfinches on Friday mornings 8am-8.40am


This week we have…

...enjoyed finishing our English book ‘Counting on Katherine’ and recapping using speech punctuation. We have imagined the sights sounds and feelings the astronauts of Apollo 13 would have experienced and created a timeline of the life of Katherine Johnson. Today we are writing a letter from Katherine’s point of view to inspire others. After half term we will complete this unit by writing a fact file about Katherine.

Shared Reading: We have loved exploring more of the story ‘Seen and Not Heard’ and creating our own role plays about what the Twins might have said.

Maths has been all about place value activities and Roman Numerals.

We have been enjoying mindfulness time to relax, colour and listen to mindful meditation and lots of our Goldfinches are really improving in their fitness during our daily track time.

Science: we had great fun exploring how to make a simple circuit and were so pleased when our bulbs lit up!

ART: We used work by the artist Henri Matisse (2 Dancers) to inspire our own ideas and created some gorgeous paintings.

Parents Evening: Please use School Spider to sign up for a time for a Parents’ evening phone call on Thursday 12th November.

 Whilst we have been off, Teddy has returned to school. If you haven’t yet done so, please return the Teddy permission slip or e-mail the school office to give your permission for your child to spend time with Teddy when he is in school.

INSET: Please remember Monday 2nd November is an INSET day.

Finally, thank you all for your continued support, please e-mail or phone the school office if you would like to contact us.


Mrs Evans

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