Week beginning 30.9.19
Date: 25th Sep 2019 @ 9:29pm
This week:
What a sporty week Goldfinches have had! We have seen such enthusiasm and perseverence from them all.
Well done to all of the children who stood for the class councillor role. We were so impressed by their confidence in delivering their speeches. We had a democratic vote and used a ballot box. Congratulations to the newly elected councillors Layla and Kailum.
Thank you for all of the hard work you are all putting in to your reading, spellings and times tables at home. We are all so proud of you all.
Coming up next week:
Harvest: We will be preparing for our Harvest Festival in Church on Wednesday morning. Please help us to support the Mid Cheshire Food Bank by sending your child with packet or tinned foods. Thank you.
Literacy: We will continue to use our book 'Gorilla' to practise writing in direct speech. Our speech sandwich will help us to add extra detail.
Shared Reading: We have enjoyed reading 'Voices in the Park' and will continue to develop our retrieval, inference and comparative skills next week.
Spelling: We will focus on some of the spellings from the first column of the Y3/4 Statutory spelling list and will use these to help us develop our joined handwriting.
Maths: More work on rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000. Have a go at 'Rounding Rockets' on the topmarks site. We will continue to focus on the 6x table whilst revising the 2x, 10x and 5x tables. Please keep playing on TTRockstars to help build fluency and accuracy.
Science: More work on digestion this week and then we will begin to look at teeth.
History: We will use our knowledge of negative numbers to add key people and events from Ancient Greece and Rome to a number line using BC and AD.
PE: Monday morning with Mr Ault. Cricket on Wednesday afternoon. An extra PE session with Mr Ault on Friday morning.