Week Beginning 4.11.19
Date: 23rd Oct 2019 @ 11:08am
I would firstly like to thank everyone for their continued support over the first half term.
After half term, Robins will be starting a new book in their Writing Lessons. We will begin by looking at clues to help us make predictions about the story. We will then be writing expanded noun phrases to describe the front cover.
In maths, we will be moving on to written methods of addition – first the expanded method and then column.
In science, we will be beginning our next topic of ‘Rocks’. The children will have the opportunity to share what they already know and explore the question: Are all rocks the same?
We will be continuing with our work around the Stone Age and will be finishing our non-chronological reports.
In PE, we will begin to learn our ‘Market Seller’ Dance for the Christmas Production.
Costume letters for the KS2 Christmas Production have gone home this week. If possible, please send your child’s costume into school in a labelled bag/hanger by Monday 2nd December. If you have any questions about what your child has been asked to bring, please do not hesitate to speak to me.
Our spellings for the test on Friday 8th November will look at adding the –ous suffix to the end of words:
famous, jealous, fabulous, dangerous, nervous, curious, venomous, poisonous
Reminder: This Friday 25th October will be a non-uniform day. KS2 children are asked to bring in a bottle for our Christmas Tombola.
Have a safe and fun-filled half term!
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling