Week beginning 7th June
Date: 28th May 2021 @ 6:48am
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What another hardworking week we have had and I wish you all a happy, sunny half term holiday!
Star of the week goes to: Zach
Top Table award goes to: Mason J
In worship this week we have been learning about the Golden Rules mosaic which is displayed in the UN Headquarters and how it encourages everyone to live out their lives following the rules. ‘Do unto others as you would have then do unto you’.
We have also shared more of Mr Cliff’s answers to our ‘Big Questions’ we asked as part of our Ethos work before Easter.
This week we have discussed another P4C (Philosophy for children) sticker. Your child will wear a sticker home every now and again to prompt a family discussion!
We celebrated all getting on the Recognition Board for 'Getting straight on' with our work by going out and playing in the sunshine.
English- We have used the present perfect tense in our writing this week (have + past tense verb e.g. I have worked very hard this week). We have written letters imagining we were Tranio or Livia’s parents giving them advice about how to stay safe and we have continued to work on writing and punctuating direct speech. After the holiday we will complete our work on Escape from Pompeii with further historical writing.
Spellings- we will be focusing on words from the 4th column of the Y3/4 statutory word list
Words to learn this week: interest, island, knowledge, learn, length, library, material, medicine, mention.
Please work with your child to ensure he or she understands the meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence as well as being able to spell them. There are different suggestions of activities to do each week to support practising the spellings.
Reading- We loved starting our new ‘Volcanoes’ book and being immersed in some of the very technical vocabulary! We now know what a volcanologist! We have been learning more technical language as well as understanding how the layout and features of non-fiction texts support our understanding.
Maths- we have been solving division problems this week using the part whole method of partitioning to support us. After half term we will move onto finding the area of shapes (using multiplication and division to support us)
We have been enjoying practising with the Multiplication Tables Check App this week.
The official Y4 multiplication check has been postponed until next year, however, as a school we have made the decision to trial it for ourselves this year. The game below is almost the same as the format for the multiplication check we will do in June. Please support your child to practise using this at home regularly alongside TTRock Stars
This week we will have a go at the official practise site to become familiar with how it works and what we have to do.
Science- we recorded the results so far of our eggs in different drinks to find out the effects on our teeth. We were surprised that some of the shells were starting to dissolve and some were changing colour! We began researching ideas for a presentation on keeping teeth healthy.
RE- Our new RE topic after half term is Judaism.
History and Geography- we have found out where Ancient Greece fits in on the timeline and in the world using timelines and maps. We worked beautifully together in groups to research the question ‘How great was Alexander the Great?’
Music- we did so well and enjoyed our final Ukulele lesson.
German- this week we will learn months of the year.
PE- this half term will focus on Athletics and Striking and Batting games (rounders and cricket). It will continue to be on Monday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child wears the Lostock Gralam PE uniform and has long hair tied back and earrings removed or covered please.
As always please e-mail or phone the office if you would like to speak to me about anything.
Mrs Evans